Are you ready to finally clear classroom clutter? We are almost to summer break, so it’s time to start thinking about clearing all that clutter so you can start the summer knowing you’ll have a fresh and clean classroom to come back to. I know many teachers are in survival mode this time of year […]
4: I’m Burned Out, Now What?
Have you noticed how many teachers are leaving the profession lately? It’s incredibly disheartening to see how many are leaving, but I don’t blame them! They are burned out and demoralized. If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. I know many of us are just counting down until break or may not […]
3: How to Say “No”
Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to catch up in your classroom? It can be overwhelming to try to stay on top of everything, and in the rare instances that you do, you have laundry piled up at home and dirty dishes overflowing in the sink. We’ve all been there! It’s a never-ending cycle. […]
2: Dealing with Teacher Guilt
Have you ever experienced teacher guilt? Chances are that you have because it is very real and very common. The truth is, teachers have such big hearts! We want to help everyone. Whether that’s our team, our admin, our students, or their families, we are always there, even if it’s at the expense of our […]
1: 5 Simple Secrets to Enjoy Teaching Again
It’s no surprise that so many amazing teachers are experiencing burnout. Here’s the honest truth about that: it’s not their fault they don’t enjoy teaching right now! In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I am going to be sharing five simple secrets that your principal won’t tell you, and these secrets will help you […]