If the thought of student loan debt makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide, this episode is for you! Student loan debt is overwhelming for anyone, but especially for chronically-underpaid teachers. If you’re in the boat of feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone. In this episode, I sat down with student loan expert, Meagan Landress McGuire to discuss how to get started tackling this daunting topic. We chat about how to navigate between your different loan forgiveness options, what the new forgiveness program could mean for you, and how to possibly get a refund on loans you’ve already repaid. She also mentions how to get more support if you’d rather just hand things over to someone else!
Teaching is hard enough without having to add a whole other burden to your plate. My hope for this episode is that you feel supported and less alone when it comes to thinking through student loan debt and forgiveness options! I’m always cheering you on!
In Today’s Episode We Discuss:
- How to get started if even thinking about student loan forgiveness makes you want to crawl in a hole and hide
- How to navigate between student loan forgiveness options for teachers
- How to possibly get a refund on the loans you’ve already repaid
Resources Mentioned:
Where to connect with student loan experts like Meagan
Student Loan Planner Youtube channel
Student Loan Planner podcast
Blog category about student loans for teachers
Where We Can Connect:
Other Episodes You’ll Enjoy:
33. Toxic Teacher Environments
32. Dealing with Challenging Team Members at School
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