How many of you are reading this while sitting with perfect posture, hands in your lap, and not distracted at all? I bet if we were to take a snapshot of all the readers right now, we would have a different sitting/standing/reading style for each person. Why do we think kids are any different? If […]
Flexible Seating Storage
When I fully embarked on the flexible seating journey last year, I wasn’t sure where my students would store all of their stuff. Where will their books go, notebooks, and supplies? Was I going to do community supplies, individual supplies, or a mix of both? See what worked and didn’t in our class as we […]
Flexible Seating Classroom
I talked about this on my video because I think it’s so important. Flexible seating isn’t about the “stuff,” it’s about student choice. Flexible seating is moving away from traditional seating—where students are assigned a seat, to a seating arrangement where students have choice. It’s getting rid of the rigid thought that students must learn […]
Easy Ikea Bench Tutorial
I’ve had many requests since last summer to do an easy Ikea bench tutorial since I shared about our new benches in our flexible seating classroom. It was fairly simple and a favorite spot in our classroom all year. Oftentimes, I’d even find myself sitting there while my students were giving presentations or during the […]