I would love this munchkin in my classroom. Can you imagine how lively, open, funny, and loving his contributions to classroom discussions would be?!?!
If you could write a letter to yourself and read it in one year, what would you say???
If you could write to yourself and read it in one year, what would you say??? My English teacher during my Junior year has us write a letter to ourselves, and she mailed it to us, one year later. I remember writing about my latest crush, my family life, sports I was competing in, you […]
Memory Book Freebie!!!
It’s nearing the end of the year for many of us, congrats!!! Let’s celebrate all the learning that has taken place, the progress that has been shown, and the friendships that have been made! I created a new “Memory Book” because the one I’ve been using the last few years has…well seen better days! Here […]
Teacher Appreciation Sale
Teacher Appreciation Week
I love teaching the entire year, but as I’m nearing the home-stretch. This time is extra special. We’re nearing State Testing time, deadlines to finish assessments, and all the paperwork and prep that comes with closing another school year. Teacher Appreciation can’t come at a better time! It always revitalizes me and inspires me to finish […]
Dear Teachers Everywhere…
An amazing post from a fellow-teacher and parent. So what I needed after a rough day. Here’s a sneak peek: “Teachers, when you instruct our kids that struggle, I know you have, yet again, patiently pulled up a seat next to their desks, 24 other kids still in the room, and kindly helped them toward […]
Teaching Tip: Being Honest
Source: Uploaded by user via C on Pinterest Here’s a good teacher tip I use with my kiddos if they are not being honest. I tell them that “teachers have a special power, we can see a purple dot on your forehead if you aren’t being honest. The magical thing is that only teachers can […]
Flash Giveaway over on Facebook…Now!!!
Sorry I haven’t posted this week, it’s been one of those crazy weeks! To make up for it, I created this free giveaway on my Facebook page. Also, I will be having a 20% off sale of my top-sellers throughout the weekend! Just click here to enter!!!