Are you allowed to dress up at school? I’ve asked teachers in my Facebook group to share their favorite Teacher Halloween Costumes with you to give you some inspiration to dress up with your team. Which Teacher Halloween costume is your favorite?
1. Learning Targets Costume
Jenna Weiland 1st grade
2. 101 Dalmatians Costume
Tara Dodgson Primary Teachers
3. Minnie Mouse Costume
Ashley Hall 1st grade
4. Gnome Costume
Kim McMaster Geis 3rd grade
5. Bath Time Costume
Sara Walroth
6. Trophy Costume
Sara Walroth
7. Emoji costume
Lisa Olney-Estrada
8. Starbucks Costume
Courtney Janssen East 1st grade
9. Hocus Pocus Costume
Lori Mann 5th grade
10. Crayons Costume
Janet Nasir 2nd grade
11. Mary Poppins Costume
12. Book Character Costume
The Teacher Besties 5th grade
13. Koo Koo Kangaroo Costume
Megan Prater 1st grade
14. Minions Costume
15. Fidget Spinners Costume
Sara Walroth
I hope all of these Teacher Halloween Costumes gave you a little inspiration to help you and your team come up with something awesome while the rest of us who don’t get to dress up at school can live vicariously through you!
Love all the tips!!!