It’s important to organize your teacher desk so that you aren’t wasting time looking for things when it comes to planning your upcoming week. I’ve got 3 ways to organize your teacher desk to save you time to focus on your teacher to-do list!

1. Space to write notes
If I don’t write something down, it’s not going to get done! That’s why I love using the Quartet Desktop Glass Dry-Erase Board. I keep it next to my computer and anything that comes up, like e mailing a parent back, grabbing a lesson from a teammate, or sending out our weekly newsletter.
It makes it easy to write notes or brainstorm without any desktop clutter!

I’ve got a lot going on both in and out of the classroom so I like to record my notes for my personal life, on the left hand side with the black marker that’s included. On the right, I record things that need to get done at school!
I’m very visual so dividing my to-do list this way makes it easy for me to see what I need to get done!
And when I complete things from my list, I can just use the eraser that’s already attached to the marker! #winwin

2. Keep everything close by
When it comes to lesson planning, it’s essential to keep everything you need, close by! That means I keep my lesson plan book, pens, highlighters, and whiteout, as well as my desktop glass dry-erase board, all in one place!

While I’m organizing my week, I keep clips near by to tab my lesson plan pages. I keep them in this pull-out drawer that’s also perfect for erasers, white out and markers.
It’s a secret drawer so I know that my stuff hidden inside is safe from my students’ hands!

Lesson Planning Essentials
- Quartet Glass Dry-Erase Board
- markers or pens for lesson planning
- teacher planner (Get a 10% discount when you join Easy Organization Tools)
- highlighter * I highlight lessons that need an anchor chart as a reminder to grab chart paper and markers to create the chart with my students *
- whiteout

3. Put things back
When I’m doing using materials for planning, I make sure to put them back for next time! This helps me clear clutter on my desk and makes it easier to focus on the task at hand.
Plus, when I put things back, it makes it easier to get started lesson planning right away!

Compensation for this post was provided by Quartet. Opinions expressed here are my own.

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