The last few years, we didn’t end school until the end of June. This was the first year since teaching in Hawaii that we ended at the end of May. I didn’t want dads to get the short hand of the stick so I created a sweet little Father’s Day craft that was inspired by a craft I did ages ago.
Here are all the cute little arms, hands, and all the other fun pieces to put dad together. I used different colored construction paper for dad’s jacket. Since we aren’t all the same color, I used skin-toned construction paper. It’s been amazing for crafts this year!
Sharpies are a must to draw in dad’s bushy eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth.
I laid out construction paper, buffet style, for students to grab for dad’s hair. I briefly modeled how to glue it on, but let them get creative and cut the hair on their own. And creative, they definitely got!
Glue the skinny part of the arm under the jacket. Make sure the arm/jacket sleeve matches the jacket, unless you’ve got a super flashy pops!
I took the scraps so sadly, the perfectionist in my doesn’t love that the hands are matching everything else. But, you’ll see in photos that the kiddos didn’t run into this problem.
I also copied the tie template onto fun colored construction paper. Did I mention how lucky I am that my office manager let us put construction paper into the copier. Bless her! Students turn the tie over and write a sweet message for their dad.
Just glue the top of the tie so dad can lift up the tie!
How fancy is that beard!
I included a template for glasses, they remind me of the movie Up.
This dad’s crooked hair makes me giggle. Hope dad laughed as well!
I would’ve put all of these on a cute bulletin board but my room was literally taken down and packed up. I quickly pinned these up so our walls weren’t so sad and lonely. I know Father’s Day has passed, but grab this craft while it’s on sale and save it for next year!
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