I’ve created the easiest memory book in the history of the universe…in my opinion at least! I get a lot of questions about my memory book set up so I made a list of answers here for you! No more memory book prep. for you because this easy memory book will change your life! You can read part 1 here.
Easy Memory Book Supplies
Question: Where can I get the supplies?
I am paid a small fee from Amazon for sharing these awesome resources with you! All you’ll need are file folders with the prongs and a two hole punch. I added the rest of the supplies here for you!
Question: How do the folders work?
Cut the folder in half. One folder works for 2 memory books!
Question: Where do you get the prongs?
See above!
Question: How do you attach it?
I staple them to the wall. I staple the 4 corners and the middle.
Question: What do you do if you have a cinder block wall?
You can try hot glue. I’ve also heard that command hooks work great. Just use two for the top 2 corners of the folder. Hope punch the top corners.
Question: Where can I display these?
Set them up in your classroom or the hallway. It turns into a great bulletin board for student writing and art. No more changing out bulletin boards anymore!
Question: What are the numbers for and where do you get them?
I number the students in my class. Now, I don’t have to change the numbers out every year. You can use calendar numbers or these: brights, primary, or tropical.
Question: Where can I get that sign?
Just click here to grab a free copy!
Question: What goes inside?
I include this year long resource that has quick art, writing, and monthly crafts.
Easy Teaching Tools Primary Teachers Facebook Group
Hi! How can I get the “stay tuned for wonderful work” sign? When I click on it, it sends me in circles. Thanks! I can’t wait to try this in my classroom this year!
Once you click on the sign, it will take you to the freebies page. Just follow the e mail instructions and you’ll have access to the entire resource library, including the sign!
Got it, thank you! 🙂
Thank you!
It’s here in freebies!
Love love love!
Hello! I’ve just been going through the files I purchased from you tonight! I can’t wait to get started with them. Question for you…in regard to the memory book, I’ve noticed that some of the art that is displayed in your ‘ad’ for this bundle is not contained in the file I downloaded. For example, the pencil activity, the faces with open mouths, self portraits…will they be added later? I did notice that at the bottom of the ad that there are comments about dates when things will be added each month. Wondering if those activities will be added then? Thanks so much!
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for your thoughtful question! I will be adding activities every month as noted on the schedule. Some of the art that’s shown from previous blog posts over the last couple of years are things I’ve been using. Unfortunately, they’re not part of the memory book activity bundle that I just created! But, all of the images shown in my TpT store and in the preview are in the Back to School Edition that you just downloaded.
Where can I find the schedule of things you’re going to publish for the Memory Book?
Hi Melissa,
You can see it here!
What do you use for the “cover” of the memory book? Do you just make one yourself or do you have a template? Thanks!
It’s a freebie up on the blog!
Hi Kristin! I’m using your memory book idea this year. I’ve purchased the year long activities pack. The only problem I’m having is getting a copy of the sign that goes on first. I have tried the freebies link but it keeps asking if I”m part of the Facebook group. Any suggestions? Thank you!
You can grab the sign in the member’s area with the password that’s been e mailed to you with every newsletter. If you bought the entire pack, it’s in the “Getting Started” file as a PDF.
Hey Kristin! I love love love your memory book activities for the whole year! I bought it and just got a chance to download it and check it out. I was reading some of the other comments and I think I’m confused. I was looking for the pencil activity and couldn’t find the one you used in your blog posts. Has that been added or am I just over looking it? I saw that there was a pencil template, but there was no picture attached. I’m very visual 🙂 I think the pencil activity I saw had a little blurb on it too. Thank you so much for all your posts! It is all so helpful!
When you display the work, the first page done in first grade will be on the bottom of the memory book, correct? So, when the cover goes on, the memory book will be in order from newest work to oldest?
Hello there, love this idea! Just making sure I understand correctly, at the end of the year when you place on the cover and it comes off the wall, it stays as is, correct? So then everything is actually in the opposite order starting with the most recent instead of the stuff from the beginning of the year first
Yes, I’ve also explained how to do it if this bothers you, in previous comments!
Hello! Thank you so much for your product. I was wondering what you do with your art pieces? I am having a hard time hole punching their beautiful pieces. Any suggestions?
I typically use a 2 hole punch to punch holes before I pass out the paper to draw on, paint on, or to glue a craft on. Once it’s dry, students hang up with art.
After seeing this at the end of my first year I tried it out and I LOVED it! I made it into a spiral bound book for my students and they were so thrilled and their parents were just as happy! I even make one for myself along with each year with everything that we make. It’s such a great idea, so easy to do and the kids just love it. The best part is I never have to take down the folder after each year, I just slip all the papers off and it’s done! Thanks for all your brilliant ideas!!
Do you think this is too “low” for 6th?
The activities work well for K-5!