I’ve said it for years, but ELA centers are the most peaceful time of the day. It’s the time of the day when we’re most productive. Let me help you set up and manage ELA Centers in your primary classroom. During this time, students are working independently in heterogeneous groups while I pull homogeneous guided […]
I've been back at school for over a week…sneak peek!
I’m teaching a 1/2 combo this year so these were our first day photo props…glasses and all! I’m color-coding everything, first graders are green and second are blue. Watching little ones do jumping jacks is quite a sight to see, cracks me up year after year! Yikes…a before photo of my room! New book bins […]
Differentiating Reading Instruction…where to begin?
I remember when I first began teaching, I was overwhelmed with all of the learning styles, abilities, and outside influences that affected my students and their success. After a few years, advice from veteran teachers and administrators, hours of PLC meetings, 300+ hours of training and workshops, I feel like I’ve finally got it down. […]