Students say funny things every day in my classroom. But you know what, I find myself saying a lot of funny things in response to the odd and gross things my kids do all the time! Throughout the day, I often wonder if there are other professions that say some of the ridiculous things I […]
Comparing yourself to other Teachers
Are you a new or veteran teacher who struggles with the comparison game? Does your heart drop when your students talk about how much they loved their old teacher? Are you feeling inadequate? I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. Comparing yourself to other teachers can be dangerous, but it’s totally normal. Social […]
I have a Pinterest Classroom
If you’ve followed my Instagram, you might think I have a Pinterest Classroom. In fact, people who walk into my classroom comment on it… often. But sometimes, they say it in a way that’s putting down my Pinterest-worthy room. To be very honest, I only use Pinterest as part of this blog but don’t use it […]