I’m so happy to be hosting the So Cal Blogger link up with some of my friends from all over Southern California! The best thing about this little blogging community is that I’ve met some honest-to-goodness genuine friends over the last couple of years. You can see some of our meet ups, here, here, and […]
So Cal Teacher Meet Ups
When I began this blogging journey, I had no idea about teacher meet ups. It reminded me a lot of online dating. You’ve been following these people for months on social media. You know their dog’s name, what their outfit of the day is, and where they went on vacation. But when it comes to […]
So Cal Blogger Meet Up
When I began my journey as a teacher in 2005, I figured I’d teach my kiddos how to read, write, be good citizens and friends. I’d collaborate with staff, grade papers when I got home, and leave the rest in the classroom. You know, the usual. I had no idea teaching would be the way […]