Every year since I was in high school, I turned crummy things around and made them positive every year when Thanksgiving rolled around. You know, I’m thankful for the farthest parking spot because it means I’m healthy to walk sort of thing. When I started blogging a few years ago, I used the same mentality […]
Not your Typical Thankful post…
I remember reading an article in our local newspaper back in college about Thanksgiving that I really connected to. It wasn’t about listing all that you were thankful, it was turning things that aren’t always so great, and turning them into positives. I did this last year so I’m going to keep this tradition going. […]
What a Teacher is thankful for…
Reflecting on my eight years of teaching, I’m so thankful for many things. I’m thankful for growing up and living in a beautiful beach community nested in South Orange County. I’m thankful for my amazing and supportive parents who have answered every frantic phone call, have pushed me when I didn’t think I could go […]