As if enough hasn’t been thrown at you, now you have to figure out how to take attendance on a Zoom or Google Meet call. And some of you sweet teachers are having to do this virtually while also teaching face-to-face at the same time! Distance learning attendance can be easier!

I did a LIVE training with teachers yesterday inside Easy Organization Toolsand I showed them how they can easily take attendance during an online class meeting by taking this attendance form and leaving the link in the chat box of their class meeting.
This works well for those of you who are teaching in person and online at the same time.
*Wine* and ice cream also work well if you’re in this teaching situation!
Digital Learning Attendance Form
I made the distance learning attendance form editable so all you have to do is add your student names. Add the form to you chat box in Zoom or Google Meet and model to students how to use it. When students click the link, all they have to do is find their name and click the circle next to it!

Send the form to students via chat
Make sure you’ve unchecked everything so that your students can access it. Then, click the purple box at the top to send it to your students.

After clicking the purple box, click the link icon, then click the “Shorten URL” box. When you do that, it will make the link shorter and less messy.
Grab that link, copy it, and paste it into your chat box in Google Meet or Zoom.

Check distance learning attendance
Here’s the best part! You can see how many students are present (25 responses) and can see them in the pie chart. But here’s where it gets good! Click that green box to turn this into a spreadsheet and then you’ll be able to see the time stamp so you can see the day and time they showed up!
Use the same form for the entire week or even month. That means you just keep sending the same link to your students each day.
If you want to sort this spreadsheet by student, to see their specific attendance. Just click the student column, click the little drop down arrow, and sort by A-Z, which will put your students in alphabetical order.

Want a new attendance form?
Make sure to give your your form and spreadsheet a name. If you’re using it for one week, I’d give it the title of “Attendance Week of August 31.”
If you’re using it for the month, title it “Attendance August 2020.”
Create a folder on your Google Drive labeled “Attendance” and keep all of these in there so it’s easy to find.
If you want a new form, just go to your form and “Make a Copy.”

Grab your attendance forms and more here!
See more distance learning tutorials here!

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