I can’t believe it is already May! Where has the time gone? As teachers, many of us may be counting the days until summer. We also feel extremely busy between formative assessments, administrative tasks, and packing up our classroom. It may seem as if our to-do list will never end! Yet, we still want to provide meaningful and engaging lessons to our students. We just don’t want to spend hours planning and finding the resources. Today, I want to share a global learning website called Students Rebuild with you. Here are my top 3 reasons why I love this resource, and soon you will too!

Students Rebuild
Students Rebuild is a ready-made adventure in global learning through art that engages the whole student. At the same time, the focus is to change the world. I couldn’t think of a better message to send to our students! It is also designed for busy K-12 teachers, providing FREE lesson plans about various global issues accompanying a simple art challenge. I loved completing art projects with my students whenever I had a chance. That is why I am so passionate about Students Rebuild!

1. Ready Made Lesson Plans
I don’t know about you, but it is music to my ears when I don’t have to lesson plan! Especially at the end of the school year. Students Rebuild has lesson plans that are already done for you. The resources are based on various global issues, including fighting hunger, honoring everyday heroes, clean water, and more! There are shorter lessons if you are running low on time or project-based lessons that can be completed over several weeks. I also love how the lesson plans are grade-level specific and are tailored to your students’ needs.
2. Art Challenge
Not only do the lessons touch upon a variety of global issues they also incorporate art! This allows your students to take action positively. They are learning they can make a difference by creating art. There are many ways to go about this in your classroom, such as creating a class mural or making a wall of posters.

3. Making a Difference
Once your students complete their art project, you will submit it here. For every piece of art that is received, The Bezos Family Foundation donates $5 to a challenge partner of choice. Throughout the month of May, all donations will be doubled! This means $10 will be donated per piece of art. This is such an amazing cause and really spreads the message to our students that we can positively help others!

Ready to Start the Challenge?
If you and your students are ready to participate in the World Needs Challenge, it is as easy as 1, 2, or 3! Here are the steps to follow:
- Register for the Students Rebuild World Needs Challenge on the website.
- Choose one of the five causes to support, and use the free lesson plans as much or as little as you want.
- Students will create art inspired by the lessons, and for every piece of art submitted, $5 will be donated, or $10 throughout the month of May.
- All art should be submitted by June 3rd.
I know you and your students will love using the resources from Students Rebuild. The lesson plans are student and teacher-friendly, incorporate art activism, and support making a difference for others. This is a great way to finish off the end of the school year! To be honest, I wish I had known about this much sooner, but I’m glad I know about it now. Comment below and tell me if your class will participate in the challenge? I hope you decide to join!
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