How often do you attend meetings and hear the buzzwords “Data-Driven Instruction”? I know when I would hear those words I would immediately become overwhelmed. I would often ask myself what is the best way to collect data? Am I using the right method? How will I keep everything organized? I knew I needed to […]
Sub Plans That Are Stress-Free
When I was in the classroom one of my least favorite things was having to leave sub plans. It always seemed like it was more work to take the day off rather than arranging for a substitute. If I’m being honest I wasn’t always the best at preparing for a substitute. I remember having to […]
20 Classroom Management Tips from Teachers
Are you looking for classroom management tips that really work? I polled the Easy Teaching Tools Facebook group and asked teachers from all over to share one tip that really works! I am paid a small fee from Amazon for sharing these awesome resources with you!I talked a lot about classroom management last summer and […]
How to use a clip chart for classroom management
There’s a lot of strong feelings about clip charts! Some people love them while others think they’re horrible. Let’s chat about how to use a clip chart, what it looks like in our classroom, how to communicate with parents, and how to manage it all. I’ve also get several alternatives so you can choose what works best […]
Classroom Incentives in the Primary Classroom
Do you use classroom incentives in your class? Students perform well with clear expectations and positive reinforcement. Classroom incentives are powerful tools teachers can use to maintain high expectations and reward expected behavior. I’m my class, I constantly acknowledge students for showing respect when they look at the person talking or make a good choice when […]
Consistency with Classroom Management
Now that you’ve got your classroom expectations set from our classroom management e mail series, let’s get into the tough stuff…following through. In my not-so-humble opinion, following through and consistency is the hardest part about strong classroom management and what’s missing from many classrooms that are a bit of a hot-mess! I’ve got a few […]
The Great Pencil Challenge
Is your class going through pencils like it’s going out of style? Is your supply of Ticonderogas running low? I’ve got a challenge for you and your class that will teach your students to value their materials while saving you money on pencils. The Great Pencil Challenge has been a life saver in our classroom […]
Messy Classroom Desk Solution
Are you looking for a messy classroom desk solution? I always tell my kids that teachers have superpowers and can always spot the kids with messy rooms at home? Why…because their desk is a hot mess!!! You know it’s true! I’ve tried a lot of things over the years and have a few solutions to […]