Are your students getting Spring Fever yet? Your school may be on Spring Break right now or you may be on Spring Break soon. Either way, students are excited to have some time off and so are teachers! However, motivating students to participate in class after a long break can be challenging. Today I want […]
4 Self-Care Tips for Teachers
With COVID-19, teachers are feeling added pressure on top of their demanding workload. We have so much responsibility on a day-to-day basis that it’s no wonder we can become burnt out. Remember the saying you have to put on your own oxygen mask first before you can help others? The same is true for teachers. […]
Parent-Teacher Conferences Made Easy
If you dread parent-teacher conferences know that you are not alone. Many teachers find conferences to be incredibly intimidating or create unnecessary anxiety. You may be thinking to yourself do I have the right documentation? What data should I share? How should I start off the conversation? Will the parent get upset with me if […]
The Great Pencil Challenge
Is your class going through pencils like it’s going out of style? Is your supply of Ticonderogas running low? I’ve got a challenge for you and your class that will teach your students to value their materials while saving you money on pencils. The Great Pencil Challenge has been a life saver in our classroom […]
Phonics Activities and Games for K-2
For the last 3 years, we’ve had to supplement phonics instruction with phonics activities and games because we didn’t have a reading program. Every week, we were scouring different blogs and TpT looking for meaningful activities that would support student learning. I’ve got a few phonics activities and games that you can use in your […]
Best Classroom Hacks You Can Use Tomorrow
Classroom Hacks make me so dang happy because they’re efficient and make sense. I love when I figure out a clever way to implement an idea, probably way more than I should, but I can’t help it. If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that efficiency makes me giddy and I’m pretty sure I’m not […]
My Favorite Teaching Supplies I Can’t Live Without to Get Organized
I’ve got a few teaching supplies that I use in my class to help with organization. These resources have helped me organize my to-do list, all of my materials for the week, papers, and more! Bell Stop passing out papers and wasting time, seriously! You’ve got so many other things to do, right! So, get […]
Display Student Work that Turns into a Memory Book
Oh my word? Have you ever spent hours at the end of the school year sorting through student work to put into a memory book? Have you ever lost your mind trying to figure out who stole the binding machine to put together books while you so desperately need to begin yours? Were you that teacher […]